The Bharat Scouts and Guides KarnatakaScout EmblemScout Emblem

Field Marshall K.M Cariappa Rover Crew
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General nature of the organisation                

The Bharat Scouts & Guides
is a Joint Organisation of the Scouts and Guides. It is the largest voluntary nonpolitical educational movement, in the country, open to all without distinction of origin, race, or creed in accordance with the purpose, principles and method conceived by the founder Lord R. S. S. Baden Powell in 1907.

1. Purpose

The Purpose
of the Movement is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of the local, national and international Communities.

2. Principles

The Scout/Guide Movement is based on the following principles:

(I) Duty to God:

 Adherence to spiritual principles, loyalty to the religion that expresses them and acceptance of the duties resulting there from.

(ii) Duty to others:
- Loyalty to one's country in harmony with the promotion of local, national and international peace, understanding, cooperation.

- Participation in the development of society with recognition and respect for the dignity of one's fellowmen and for the integrity of the natural world.

(iii) Duty to self:  

Responsibility for the development of oneself.

3. The Method:

The Scout/Guide Method is a system of progressive self education through:

- A Promise and Law

The Promise

The Promise for the Scout/Guides: " On my honor, I promise that I will do my best- To do my duty to God* and my country To help other people and To obey the Scout/Guide Law"
* Word Dharma may be substituted for the word God, if so desired.

The Law: The Law for the Scout/Guide

(I) A Scout/Guide is trustworthy.
(Ii) A Scout/Guide is loyal.
(Iii) A Scout/Guide is a friend to all and a brother/sister to every other Scout/Guide.
(iv) A Scout/Guide is courteous
(v) A Scout/Guide is a friend to animals and loves nature.
(vi) A Scout/Guide is disciplines and helps protect public property.
(vii) A Scout/Guide is courageous.
(viii) A Scout/Guide is thrifty.
(ix) A Scout/Guide is pure in though, word and deed.

Learning by doing

- Membership of small groups under adult leadership involving progressive discovery and acceptance of responsibility and training towards self government directed towards the development of character and acquisition of competence, self reliance, dependability and capacities both to cooperate and to lead; 

- Progressive and stimulating programmes of various activities based on the interests of the participants including games, useful skills and services to the community taking place largely in an outdoor setting in contact with nature. So it is FUN WITH PURPOSE and a CHALLENGE AND OPPORTUNITY for adults to improve understanding between generations and getting valuable experience.

Decorations and Awards:

The National Association has sanctioned and authorized various kinds of Decorations and Awards at national level and State level like Silver Elephant, Silver Star, Bar to Silver Star and Award for Gallantry at National Level and Medal of Merit. Bar to Medal of Merit, Long Service Decoration, Thanks Badge etc. at the State Level.


The membership of the Association is open to citizens of India, who subscribe to the purpose, principles and method of the Association.

B.S.G. Marches on ....

Scouting and Guiding in India mirrors firm determination, commitment to ideals, dedicated service and world brotherhood. The Boy Scouting started in India in 1909 and the girl Guiding two years later. Colonial restrictions and the rising national sensitivity had their impact on the growth of the Movement.

The dream of a united national organisation for Scouts and Guides came true only after the dawn of Independence. On 7th November 1950, Boy scout Association and Hindustan Scout Association merged.

On 15th August, 1951 Girl Guides Organisation also joined. Thus came into being the Bharat Scouts and Guides. It is a society registered under the society registration act XXI of 1860.It is a uniformed body.

In the beginning the Movement had 502 members (1912). Now it touches 3.2 million (2.1 million Scouts
and 1.1 million Guides). With its branches in 43 Scouts/Guides states, it is an ever-expanding organisation, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
The National Headquarters Building is located in New Delhi.

The objective of Club/Bulbul, Scout/Guide, Rover/Ranger sections have been chalked out within the framework of the 5 original ideas of B.P., basic principles, modern thinking of WOSM and WAGGGS, 14 programme ideals of the Bharat of the youth of the country.

BSG Organisation at a Glance

The Bharat Scouts and Guides is a voluntary, non political, non-sectarian and non-communal organisation. It is devoted to the development of character of the rising generation and selfless service of the country. The BS & G is a hierarchy starting from the patrols, troops, companies, groups forming into Local, District, State Associations and goes upto the National Organisation.

The following organogram gives a glimpse of the administrative structure at the national level.

Supply Service

The Supply Service Dep't.
, besides printing handouts and other literature, prepares uniform materials and other materials, is also supplying equipment, souvenir items, badges, etc. It also runs a Scout shop.

The structure of the supply service department is given in the following organogram.

Click here to view the major items that are prepared and kept for sale.

Image & Visibility The public Relations Dep't.

Is looking after publicity and visibility of the Movement through various media. It arranges exhibition, press conferences, photo displays, etc.

The monthly Magazine and the monthly News letter published by the BS & G, contain information about the activities right from the grass root level to the State, National and International levels.